August AGM & Business Plan 2019-2022

The Project Numbat committee recently updated its Business Plan 2019-2022 which reflects how the committee would like to work towards achieving its three objectives:


1. To enhance efforts to conserve the Numbat and its natural habitat

2. To promote and assist community awareness of the Numbat; and

3. To undertake activities to raise monies to support Numbat conservation.

Responsible cat ownership was ranked the highest by the committee, followed by exploring various fundraising platforms and creating an active volunteer program. This plan has already been shared with stakeholders so we can identify collaborative opportunities.

Do you want to help us achieve these objectives, expand your skills and work with like-minded people to safeguard the Numbat? Then why not join our committee?

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tues 20th of August 2019, 6pm in South Perth Western Australia.

All positions will be vacant, in-fact some current committee members have expressed they will be taking a break and we are seeking people to fill the following positions:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Merchandise, Media, Events, Education and 5 general committee positions. More details on all positions can be found here.

Want to know more about how you could be involved? then view our 2018 Annual Report and just a reminder that you do need to be a member of Project Numbat to participate on the committee.